Friday, June 28, 2013


Jamaa Journal stuff:

Plus a Freedom Party tour.

Whoopsie Daisy!

I forgot to tell ya'll that I would be traveling away for a while so BIG FAT APOLOGY! And a BIG FAT POST!
This post is going to entirely contain new Daily Explorer posts. Here we go!
Here are the links to all the posts about dens:
Decorating Your Den
Den Settings
Shopping for Your Den
Purchasing a Den

Epic Den of the Week:
Now for ALOT of posts:

Awesome Jammer Art Links:
Part 2, with the newest items, is coming soon!

Friday, June 21, 2013


The newest items are in the furniture shop and they are all CLAY/POT themed.


Thanks for viewing once again! Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


So much news to cover! AHHH!!!
Let's start with the Diamon Shop updates. Introducing Phoenix Armor!

It looks ALOT like Eagle Hats...
Plus, the Diamond Shop music, Mystical Morning, is here:
All pets in the Diamond Shop are now on sale for three diamonds.
Daily Explorer time!!!
Links below:
Thanks once again for viewing!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Jamaa Journal

Video about it:
No part 2 I covered everything in the video!
New item:
Your guide to Jamaa from the Daily Explorer:

Finally, Epic Den:
Are you excited about the new beta testing? I AM!!!!!!!!!!! XD
This should be fun!
Enjoy your adventures jammers! Thanks for viewing! Be sure to check out my YouTube channel.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Rare Pink Sofa

 This Monday's rare item is the rare pink sofa:

And a new post from the Daily Explorer:
Thanks for viewing! Check out my friends blog, Animal Jam Fairy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Seaweed Hair

Most recent items:
Newest article:
:( I didn't win. Oh well.

I'm on Club Penguin!
My user is FACEPALM4733 (minus the 1.) I'm non member and I just joined due to many jammers on Club Penguin. Be sure to check it out if you aren't signed up already, CLICK HERE. Its pretty fun so YAY!
Also be sure to check my YouTube channel out, CLICK HERE! 
Thanks for viewing, CHOW!

Friday, June 14, 2013

The New Kangaroo

I sent an email to Animal Jam HQ about the new kangaroo animal. Here is their reply:

Hello Jammer,
Did you hear an exciting rumor? Well, here's the scoop!
Once in awhile, Animal Jam likes to release new items as we are always coming up with wild ideas.
We are happy to announce there is a new animal coming to Jamaa! The newest Animal Jam gift card featuring the Kangaroo has been released in Australia, and it will soon make its way to players around the globe. But for now, these gift cards can only be found in select retailers throughout Australia.
Keep your eye out for more information in the weeks to come!
Play Wild,
Animal Jam HQ

Hope this helps everyone! Have a great day!

More Gems for Me!

Today's new "item" is 15,00 gems in the diamond shop gem converter.
Also, the sombrero:

Links to Awesome Jammer Art Below:
Professor Shyfox
Explorer Tinyracoon
Teensy Prettyjoy
Medieval Shiverclaw
Miss Magicruler

Epic Den of the Week:
Plus, a cool new animal? (qANDIEq made a video on it)
What do you think?
Thanks for viewing!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gaming Videos?

Hi everyone! I made another video for ya'll, featuring Cafe Waitress, Belle's Bakery, and Sweet Factory!
On an Animal Jam note, we have something we haven't had in a while: an underwater item. Introducing the potted coral! ;)
And a new post:
Thanks for viewing! Keep jamming!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm Gonna Play Other Games!

This first episode of "other games" I play occasionally features "The Right Mix" and "Momma's Diner". Enjoy!
P.S. I'm working on making the next episode on Belle's Bakery and possibly some other game!

Beta's are Coming Back :(

Sadly, beta's are returning. No one's betas are safe! Today's item is the teacup.
Some beta items have been back for a while, like the train set. Still, its a bit upsetting.
The Daily Explorer has posted about games in Jamaa:
In case you didn't know, I have a Youtube channel. I uploaded a new video that was on my blog a little while back, link HERE.
Thanks for viewing! ;)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Beta's to Return?

Today's item is from beta time in 2010.
Plus, the Daily Explorer posted a new article:


Monday, June 10, 2013

Rare HD Television

Today's rare item is special because it's a furniture item!

Plus, the Daily Explorer has a new post about privacy with accounts.
Thanks for viewing!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My News Crew!

               Ever since the diamond shop was opened, jammers everywhere have had all kinds of different opinions. Some were against it, but others loved the new update. Arctic Wolf says, “I think it’s cool with all the items like tail armor.” Monster Scaryshark says, “The new diamond shop is awesome!” Snow Leopard disagrees, however. “The diamond shop is ok. On the negative side, it brought back rares people worked really hard to earn. On the positive side, people with less gems can still get really cool items.”
               Lots of jammers are saving their diamonds to buy some of the awesome items in the diamond shop. Arctic Wolf says, “I’m saving my diamonds the get the cool new raccoon pet.” Snow Leopard is also saving up for the raccoon pet as well as a lion plushie. Monster Scaryshark wants a rainbow cloud. Every jammer is looking forward to owning these awesome items!
                However, not everyone agrees on having more new items in the diamond shop. Snow Leopard states, “I don’t think any more items should come back. It could cause some people to be upset because their items aren’t rare anymore.” Monster Scaryshark thinks the claw machine should come back. Arctic Wolf even think that AJHQ should create a diamond bush, and that headdresses and pet humminbirds should return.

               All jammers have different opinions. Some love the new update, while others aren’t so fond. Either way, the diamond shop is the talk of Jamaa!

How do you guys like that? ;)

Thanks qANDIEq!

Guess what!!! I won qANDIEq's giveaway! I won three items, a beta basketball, a rare sombrero, and a rare beret!
AND OMG I AM SO SORRY! I forgot to post for the past few days, I've been busy night and day!
Here are the newest items:

Some new Jamaa Journal:

Plus, an exciting message from Animal Jam!
Oh GOODY! Get ready everyone!
Click here for a link to a new awesome jammer art post!
A new News Crew Assignment has been released! I will post my story in a different post:
Plus, some new posts:

That's about it for now jammers! Be sure to check out my Youtube account and subscribe for new videos!