Sunday, June 9, 2013

My News Crew!

               Ever since the diamond shop was opened, jammers everywhere have had all kinds of different opinions. Some were against it, but others loved the new update. Arctic Wolf says, “I think it’s cool with all the items like tail armor.” Monster Scaryshark says, “The new diamond shop is awesome!” Snow Leopard disagrees, however. “The diamond shop is ok. On the negative side, it brought back rares people worked really hard to earn. On the positive side, people with less gems can still get really cool items.”
               Lots of jammers are saving their diamonds to buy some of the awesome items in the diamond shop. Arctic Wolf says, “I’m saving my diamonds the get the cool new raccoon pet.” Snow Leopard is also saving up for the raccoon pet as well as a lion plushie. Monster Scaryshark wants a rainbow cloud. Every jammer is looking forward to owning these awesome items!
                However, not everyone agrees on having more new items in the diamond shop. Snow Leopard states, “I don’t think any more items should come back. It could cause some people to be upset because their items aren’t rare anymore.” Monster Scaryshark thinks the claw machine should come back. Arctic Wolf even think that AJHQ should create a diamond bush, and that headdresses and pet humminbirds should return.

               All jammers have different opinions. Some love the new update, while others aren’t so fond. Either way, the diamond shop is the talk of Jamaa!

How do you guys like that? ;)

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